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The Liquid Diet


The first thing an animal does when it is sick is, it stops eating.  Likewise, the first thing we need to do when we don’t feel well is to stop eating food. Food takes a tremendous amount of energy to digest. When you stop eating, your digestive system rests, and all that blood and energy can be put somewhere else to heal you. The liquid regimen is for the incurables, it is the answer because it allows your body to rest and choose what it requires to heal!


If you just keep stuffing food in your mouth, you’ll just get more tired. Your body has to digest large amounts of food, and it’s the opposite of what you should do when you’re not well. Juices contain gigantic amounts of enzymes. A lot of people nowadays are taking enzyme supplements because of the benefits, but you don’t have to, they’re in the juices. Enzymes are heat sensitive, meaning, when you cook food, you destroy all the enzymes. When you eat cooked food,  your body will produce enzymes in order to help you to digest that food. But when your body does that, it can’t do anything else. Overtime the stock of enzymes gets depleted. Most of us eat enzyme deprived diets. If all you eat is cooked food, there are no enzymes in it. By supplying your body with high doses of enzymes, it gives many of your organs like your pancreas, your liver, your digestive system a holiday. Juices give your body a vacation.

Drinking coconut water and citrus fruit juice alternatively, miraculously cures any kind of flu within 72 hours. This is powerful flu diet remedy and is the brainchild of the famous nutritionist Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdury.

Thinning your blood is one the greatest keys to getting healthy. It increases your circulation because the blood becomes more like water than molasses. The bottom line is,  juice fasting thins your blood and allows your circulation to get deeper in your body into the vital areas, into the capillaries that are filled with fat and all clogged-up.


Many people are sick because they don’t produce enough insulin in their body or they don’t produce enough thyroid hormone  or they don’t produce enough interferon or immunoglobulin for the immune system to be strong. They don’t produce enough estrogen or progesterone or testosterone. These chemicals are all built from nutrition. One of the things that juice fasting does is, it supplies your body with a tremendous amount of nutrition. It balances your metabolism, balances your hormones, balances your endocrine system, your thyroid, your pancreas, and your reproductive organs.


Juice fasting clears the mind. If you want a gigantic change, stop eating for a couple days. It will feel like the fog is clearing up. You will be amazed at your sense of smell, your sense of taste, your eyesight, your perception, your thoughts. All through history, people talked about fasting for better mental clarity. We are drunk on food. Overeating makes us dull. Our blood, instead of going to our brain, goes to our digestive tract. No one realizes how powerful juicefasting is, until they do it.


You are only going without solid food,  but you are getting liquid food that does you more good. A fast is a flush and people need to consume a gallon a day of liquids,  juices, water, and herbal teas. Most people make a mistake by not consuming enough.  If you are hungry drink more. Wheat grass is great. It can detoxify when some people don’t get a detoxification any more from anything.


There are two very effective juices for the kidneys. One is a vegetable, parsley, and the other a fruit,  watermelon. Watermelon juice, watermelon itself, and watermelon seeds are all diuretic and disinfecting. When you’re juicing the watermelon, a lot of people just juice the meat, but you have to juice the rind too. The rind has minerals. You can taste the salt, the sodium in the rind, and the minerals in the rind,  very cleansing to the kidneys. If you use fresh parsley and grind it in a juicer, it’s a lot more intense. If you want to add a juice in to stimulate the liver more,  radishes work real well. You can use the radish leaves as well. They stimulate the liver and clean it out.

Celery and cabbage juice is good for digestive wellness. Cabbage is a great cleanser and healer for the digestive tract. Lot of people with ulcers and digestive problems have great results drinking cabbage and celery juice. Cabbage juice is excellent and patients can drink about 8 ounces of cabbage juice a day in one ounce doses. It can be mixed with other juices too. Celery juice works really nice to cool the system, especially with ulcerative conditions.

Beet greens and beet root have enormous amounts of iron besides other minerals. The beet and the beet greens, added to the carrot juice can be used for patients that have had either a lot of blood loss due to surgical trauma or from cancer, where the body won’t build blood any more. When you start doing that,  you see a big change. If you want to build the blood, the juices to remember are the dark blue, red and purple.  That would be raspberries, blackberries and blueberries or prunes, plums and cherries.  These are all the super blood builders as they are loaded with iron.

Fresh citrus juices with their rind are great liver cleansers. The bitter oils in citrus are big-time liver cleansers. They disinfect and create more bile flow. Citrus juice is more of a kidney and liver cleansing. It’s also very effective for cleaning the blood and joints, like with arthritis. Take two quarts of apple and a quart of prune as your juice for the day on a juice fast and you will notice a dramatic bowel cleanse.

You can also make fig water by just taking figs and putting them in a blender with water. The problem is that a lot of people eat dried prunes and dried figs. They are constipating. On a juice fast, you should only have the juices that come out of the juicer. You may choose not to have pulp at all as fiber during  a juice fast might cause your digestive tract to work a little bit more. IT'S EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU ENSURE PROPER ELIMINATION EVERYDAY AND THERE IS NO CONSTIPATION WHILE ON A FAST.

Before starting a juice cleanse, it is advisable to do a colon cleanse. Every day, have that bowel flushed out somehow and see the difference. See what happens and experiment that way. High enemas are also something to do during a juice fast to get all the pulp and solid bits out of our system. During a fast you need to have your bowels work every day. They don’t have to work necessarily three times a day. With some people their bowels will work seven times a day, depending on the person, but those who have a tendency towards slower, sluggish, sleepy bowels, they can go on a fast for a week and not have a bowel movement at all.

Fasting can be even more powerful when people maximize their nutrition. Super nutrition can cause the body to detoxify more by flushing your body with vitamins and minerals, and it can also build your blood faster. If someone can’t get fresh wheatgrass, you can use wheatgrass powder, barley grass powder and alfalfa grass powder or alfalfa herb. They’re detoxifying, and they have vitamins and minerals. Once a day during a fast, people should add some of these particular foods to their fruit smoothie. Fasting can be even more powerful when people maximize their nutrition. Super nutrition can cause the body to detoxify more by flushing your body with vitamins and minerals, and it can also build your blood faster.

Juice fasting is the greatest cure for anything. Stop eating food and get the juicer going. Just stop eating. Prolonged juice fasting is good for heart health. It stops palpitations and addresses any kind of dysfunction.

What I suggest to most of my patients is, two or three days fast in the middle of five days of raw foods, once every six months. This is a five-day program. When you’re dealing with someone who has a life-threatening situation, stop all food. In olden days holistic physicians and Ayurvedic practitioners didn’t have the juicers. Juicers weren’t a common household item back then. But nowadays, everybody should have a juicer.


Courtesy Dr. Richard Schulze: The Original Natural Health Revolutionary



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